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Variant Manager


The variant manager in Antares Web allows users to easily manage multiple scenarios of electricity consumption and production in France and Europe, in order to maintain a balance between supply and demand. This feature enables users to create and configure variants, which are slightly modified versions of the base study used as a reference.

It is important to note that variant management is currently applicable only to "managed" studies available in the "default" workspace. Any modifications made to a variant are recorded as a list of commands in the variant's history. The user interface provides options to view and delete these commands, allowing users to undo changes if needed. Additionally, variant configurations can be modified programmatically using the API. For example, the GET endpoint /v1/studies/{uuid}/commands lists the commands associated with a variant, while the POST endpoint /v1/studies/{uuid}/command adds a command to a variant.

The following documentation describes the variant manager and provides a list of available commands.

Managing Study Variants

Commands in the variant manager are actions that define modifications to the study's configuration. Each command consists of an "action" and "args" field. The "action" field specifies the type of modification to be performed, while the "args" field contains the parameters required for that action. For example, the command "action": "create_area" creates a new area, and the corresponding "args" object specifies the name of the area to be created. Similarly, the command "action": "create_link" creates a link between two areas, with the "args" object providing the names of the two areas to be connected. Users can create multiple commands within a single variant to define complex configurations.

The example provided bellow demonstrates the creation of two areas and a link between them:

    "action": "create_area",
    "args": {
      "area_name": "new area"
    "action": "create_area",
    "args": {
      "area_name": "new area 2"
    "action": "create_link",
    "args": {
      "area1": "new area",
      "area2": "new area 2"

Command list

Base types

The following table describes the data types used in the commands:

Type Description
STRING any string value
NUMBER any integer or float
BOOLEAN true or false
INI_TARGET a valid antares file relative path (without extension). The path can be found when browsing the study in detailed view
INI_MODEL a json with a valid field corresponding to the ini file targeted
RULESETS_MODEL like INI_MODEL with some specifications: an empty string allows to remove a key (ruleset or cell value) and a ruleset "A" with for value the name of an another ruleset "B" allows to clone the content of "B" in "A"
INPUT_RAW_FILE_TARGET a valid antares raw data file relative path (without extension). The path can be found when browsing the study in detailed view
INPUT_SERIES_MATRIX_TARGET a valid antares matrix data file relative path (without extension). The path can be found when browsing the study in detailed view
MATRIX a matrix id or a list of list of values (eg. [[0,1,2],[4,5,6]] where each sub list is a row of the matrix). Matrix ID can be found in the Matrix Data manager tab.
AREA_ID the ID of an area (same as name, but lower cased and only with the following characters: [a-z],[0-9]_,(,),-,&,",". Other characters will be transformed into a single space.)
CLUSTER_ID the ID of a cluster (same as name, but lower cased and only with the following characters: [a-z],[0-9]_,(,),-,&,",". Other characters will be transformed into a single space.)
STORAGE_ID the ID of a short-term storage (same as name, but lower cased and only with the following characters: [a-z],[0-9]_,(,),-,&,",". Other characters will be transformed into a single space.)
DISTRICT_ID the ID of a district (same as name, but lower cased and only with the following characters: [a-z],[0-9]_,(,),-,&,",". Other characters will be transformed into a single space.)
BINDING_CONSTRAINT_ID the ID of a binding constraint (same as name, but lower cased and only with the following characters: [a-z],[0-9]_,(,),-,&,",". Other characters will be transformed into a single space.)


Update arbitrary config

  "target": "<INI_TARGET>",
  "data": "<INI_MODEL>"


Replace arbitrary matrix

  "matrix": "<MATRIX>"


Create a new area

  "area_name": "<STRING>"


Remove an existing area

  "id": "<AREA_ID>"


Create a new thermal cluster

  "area_id": "<AREA_ID>",
  "cluster_name": "<STRING>",
  "parameters": "<INI_MODEL>",
  "prepro?": "<STRING>",
  "modulation?": "<MATRIX>"


Remove an existing thermal cluster

  "area_id": "<AREA_ID>",
  "cluster_id": "<CLUSTER_ID>"


Create a new renewable cluster

  "area_id": "<AREA_ID>",
  "cluster_name": "<STRING>",
  "parameters": "<INI_MODEL>"


Remove an existing renewable cluster

  "area_id": "<AREA_ID>",
  "cluster_id": "<CLUSTER_ID>"

Create a new link

  "area1": "<AREA_ID>",
  "area2": "<AREA_ID>",
  "parameters": "<INI_MODEL>",
  "series?": "<MATRIX>"

Remove an existing link

  "area1": "<AREA_ID>",
  "area2": "<AREA_ID>"


Create a new district (set of areas)

  "name": "<STRING>",
  "base_filter?": "'add-all' | 'remove-all'",
  "filter_items?": "<LIST[AREA_ID]>",
  "output?": "<BOOLEAN> (default: True)",
  "comments?": "<STRING>"


Remove an existing district

  "id": "<DISTRICT_ID>"


Create a new binding constraint

  "name": "<STRING>",
  "enabled?": "<BOOLEAN> (default: True)",
  "time_step": "'hourly' | 'weekly' | 'daily'",
  "operator": "'equal' | 'both' | 'greater' | 'less'",
  "coeffs": "<LIST[CONSTRAINT_COEFF]>",
  "values?": "<MATRIX>",
  "comments?": "<STRING>"

Where cluster CONSTRAINT_COEFF is:

  "type": "cluster",
  "cluster": "<AREA_ID>.<CLUSTER_ID>",
  "coeff": "<NUMBER>",
  "offset?": "<NUMBER>"


  "type": "link",
  "link": "<AREA_ID>%<AREA_ID>",
  "coeff": "<NUMBER>",
  "offset?": "<NUMBER>"


Update an existing binding constraint

  "enabled?": "<BOOLEAN> (default: True)",
  "time_step": "'hourly' | 'weekly' | 'daily'",
  "operator": "'equal' | 'both' | 'greater' | 'less'",
  "coeffs": "<LIST[CONSTRAINT_COEFF]>",
  "values?": "<MATRIX>",
  "comments?": "<STRING>"


Remove an existing binding constraint



Update the playlist with provided active (or inactive) years (starting from year 1)

  "active": "<BOOLEAN> (default: True)",
  "reverse": "<BOOLEAN> (default: False)",
  "items": "<LIST[NUMBER]> (default: None)"


Update scenario builder with partial configuration

  "data": "<RULESETS_MODEL>"


Update a district (set of areas)

  "id": "<STRING>",
  "base_filter?": "'add-all' | 'remove-all'",
  "filter_items?": "<LIST[AREA_ID]>",
  "output?": "<BOOLEAN> (default: True)",
  "comments?": "<STRING>"


Replace arbitrary data file (must not be a matrix or ini target) with a base64 encoded data

  "target": "<INPUT_RAW_FILE_TARGET>",
  "b64Data": "<STRING>"


Create a new short-term storage

  "area_id": "<AREA_ID>",
  "parameters": "<INI_MODEL>",
  "pmax_injection?": "<MATRIX>",
  "pmax_withdrawal?": "<MATRIX>",
  "lower_rule_curve?": "<MATRIX>",
  "upper_rule_curve?": "<MATRIX>",
  "inflows?": "<MATRIX>"


Remove an existing short-term storage

  "area_id": "<AREA_ID>",
  "storage_id": "<STORAGE_ID>"

Specialized commands

Coming soon

Composite commands

Comming soon

CLI Tool

The CLI tool (AntaresTool) is bundled within AntaresWeb releases.

It provides 3 commands :

  • apply-script will modify a study using commands found in a directory that contain a file commands.json and an optional folder named matrices which contains matrices used in the commands.
  • generate-script will transform a study into a commands file and matrices directory
  • generate-script-diff will take two commands file (and associated matrices directory) and will output a new one consisting of the differences between the two variants