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This application can be used in two modes:

  • a production dockerized environment
  • a local desktop application

Production server deployment

The production server deployment uses docker and docker-compose to run the following containers:

  • antarest: the web application workers
  • antarest-watcher: the workspace scanner worker
  • antarest-matrix-gc: the matrices garbage collector worker
  • redis: the cache that allows the multiple application server workers to synchronize
  • postgresql: the database
  • nginx: the web server front end (can be used to set up ssl)

The following example shows how to deploy this simple base environment.

Example deployment steps


  • a linux host
  • docker
  • docker-compose

These steps should work on any linux system with docker and docker-compose installed.

  1. First, the steps 1 and 3 of the quick start build must have been done. So this guide will assume that you have previously cloned the code repository, the frontend built and that your working directory is at the root of the project.

  2. Then download and unzip AntaresSimulator binaries:

tar xzf antares-8.2.2-Ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz
  1. Build the docker image
docker build -t antarest:latest .
  1. Prepare the environment (This is important, in order to prevent docker containers to write files into your file system with root permissions.)

a. Copy docker-compose.override.yml.example to docker-compose.override.yml and replace the UID and GUI values with your user's one.

  You can get these values by running the following commands:

  - UID: `id -u`
  - GID: `id -g`

b. Create the directory resources/deploy/db

  1. Run the following command to spin up the application containers:
docker-compose up
  1. You can then access the application at http://localhost

  2. To stop the application you can juste hit "CTRL-C" to end the containers.

This is an example of a deployment. You'll have to edit your own docker-compose.yml file and application.yaml configuration to customize it to your needs.

Local application build

The local application is a bundled build of the web server to ease its launch as a kind of desktop application.
When started, the application will be shown as a systray application (icon in the bottom right corner of the Windows bar). The menu will allow to go to the local address where the interface is available.

The build is directly available in the release files for each version.

You can download the latest version here: